Hope survey

Take the Hope Survey for yourself!

The general concept of the hope scale survey is to ask clients a series of questions to gauge how hopeful they are feeling at specific points in our program – intake, progression, and exit. It is a way for us to track intangible progress that the team is able to make with clients during their stay with us – whether that is one week or one year.

We invite you and your family to take the hope survey yourselves! You will find our Hope Survey below:

  1. Facing a significant challenge, I could think of several ways to get out.
  2. I am actively working towards my goals.
  3. There are multiple ways around the problems I am facing right now.
  4. Right now, I see myself as successful.
  5. I can think of different ways to reach my current goals.
  6. At this time, I am meeting the goals I have for myself.

The responses come in the form of a Likert scale in the 1 to 8 range. The response range is below:

  • Definitely Disagree
  • Mostly Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Slightly Disagree
  • Slightly Agree
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Mostly Agree
  • Definitely Agree

To gauge your score, simply add the scores to each of the questions, and you will get a total answer.  The higher the score, the higher the hope!