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Finding Hope in the Resurrection

the meaning of easter

Every year, Easter fills us with anticipation and a sense of renewal. But beyond the colorful eggs and festive gatherings, what is the true meaning of Easter? Especially for those who find themselves navigating the challenges of homelessness here in Atlanta? 

Easter holds a profound message of love, redemption, and hope. Easter is rooted in the story of Jesus Christ. He willingly endured suffering and death on the cross to atone for the sins of humanity. But the story doesn’t end there.  

On the third day, Jesus rose triumphantly from the grave. He conquering death and offering eternal life to all who believe in Him. This miraculous event is at the core of our Christian faith. It’s the reason we gather in worship, find strength in adversity, and hold fast to hope in times of despair. 

MSH Chapel

While the message of Easter may not resonate with all our clients, we remind all who walk through our doors that no matter how dire their circumstances may seem, there is always the promise of renewal and restoration. Just as Jesus emerged from the tomb, so too can they emerge from their trials. Easter assures us all that our struggles do not define us. We are beloved children of God, worthy of love and dignity. 

As Easter approaches, consider how you can live out its message of love and hope in your daily life. At Atlanta Mission, we are bringing moments of joy during this season by organizing Easter egg hunts at our women and children shelters, special meals, and water baptisms for our clients. Whatever form you choose to display love to others, you have the power to be a light to those facing homelessness in your community, spreading the hope of Easter wherever we go.