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THE LIGHT: April 2022

“I didn’t expect this beautiful building and warm welcome.”

Thank you for helping Allison find hope and experience the goodness of God.

When Atlanta Mission opened the doors of Restoration House for the first time last fall, Allison and her five-year-old daughter, Sasha, were the first to walk through the doors. They were in complete awe that God would build and open this place just for them.

Earlier in the day, Allison had been crying at a public storage unit. When another woman asked her if she was okay, she told the lady that she and her daughter had nowhere to stay. The woman told her about a place she had once found shelter and told her to call Atlanta Mission.

Amazed that someone would build it for her and her daughter…

Allison said when she arrived at Restoration House, “I didn’t expect this beautiful building and warm welcome!”

Eight women were scheduled to come in that first day, but Allison and her daughter were the only ones that showed up. While it wasn’t what we planned, it was exactly what God had planned. It was a tangible reminder to us all that Jesus loved us so much that He still would have died even if it was for one person.

“I didn’t expect this beautiful building…”

Allison and her daughter got to experience the love that God has for the one, which really is what all of us are to Him.

Allison cried as she walked through the building amazed by how beautiful it was and that someone would build it for her and her daughter.

As we sat around the table and ate dinner together, she shared how she was so scared coming in, but kept trying to tell her daughter how much fun it would be.

Able to breathe again

She had no idea that it actually would be fun, and that her daughter would get both her favorite foods in one day: Chick-fil-A, and pepperoni and pineapple pizza. She said she felt safe and secure for the first time in a long time and felt like she could breathe again.

This is just the beginning of the story of what restoration looks like for the one, who on that night happened to be named Allison.

Photo credit: Brian Gassell Photography

Restoration House: solutions to bring light and hope for women and children

critical needs

Critical Needs

We provide essential services such as food, showers, and clothing. Our spaces and services cater to our clients’ fundamental needs for safety, privacy, self-esteem, and community.

overnight care

Overnight Care

Sleeping areas are separated to reduce a sense of crowding and vulnerability, and contain personal lighting, electrical outlets, and lockable storage for privacy.

counseling icon

Social Services

Access to a social worker to assess client’s needs and connect them to appropriate services in the community. Our safe environment will limit re-traumatization that often occurs in shelters.

children icon

A Safe Place for Healing

Children’s indoor and outdoor spaces allow children to play, work through trauma, connect, and learn.

Photo credit: Brian Gassell Photography

Innovating through trauma-informed practices

So many of the women who come to our doors suffer underlying trauma that lies at the root of their homelessness. Restoration House is our new emergency shelter for women and children, focused on serving those who have experienced trauma.

This state-of-the-art, trauma-informed shelter includes innovative spaces designed specifically for women and children in our community. Our services cater to our clients’ needs for safety, privacy, self-esteem, community, and empowerment.

You make radical life change possible.

Atlanta Mission transformation model

Recovery from homelessness and addiction is a journey. Your partnership makes it possible for the healing and restoration that carries men, women, and children forward to a new life. We meet each person where they are, in their unique circumstances, then provide customized services to help them overcome the cause of their homelessness.

Your gift today can provide hope and a place to call home!

Would you consider making a gift today to provide hope for the men, women, and children we serve every day?

It’s hard for many of them to believe that a stranger would care enough to give sacrificially so they would have the opportunity to discover the love God has for them.

You have the opportunity to do something truly amazing!

Every gift provides support for the cost of meals, shelter, counseling, and our facilities. But your generosity provides so much more. You make it possible to provide hope for a new life. Your generosity gives them the confidence to take steps of courageous faith because someone cares.

Thank you!

Your support has meant more than you know!

A special note from Jennifer Hutchinson, Restoration House Director


Dear Friend,

We’re so thankful to have Restoration House up and running as a light of hope for women and children!

Prior to last fall, we had to turn away women and children each evening who were seeking shelter. We simply did not have the designated staff or capacity to take them in.

Now, with the opening of Restoration House, this state-of-the-art shelter provides much needed emergency services for women and children and creates
102 new shelter beds for those in need.

As you read the cover story of Allison and her daughter, I’m confident you can see how your generosity provides so much more than food and shelter. It provides hope for a new life.

For many, it’s their first chance to meet Christ and see His real love for them.

On behalf of Allison and all those God gives us the privilege to serve, thank you!

Jennifer Hutchinson
Restoration House Campus Director